Food, clothing, health hygiene

And Prevention

Nourishing lands and sea : agriculture

(traditional, industrial and bio : the green

Revolution ; cattle-breeding, fishing, culture

of the cotton.

Water, medicines, detergents (soaps), supplies…

Education, security, protection, insurance struggle against corruption, development.

School education, savings, stocks, mixed brigade, respect for the others and their property, respect for the nature, cleanliness.

Security of the territory, an uncommitted justice.

Enterprise, tourism, culture, leisures

To invest, trade (PME-PMI) and craft large scale CANNERIES ; mastering of heat and cold ; NTIC , communication multimedia, computers ; "call centers" free zones ; fair trade.

A better life together : the 4 pillars of the Malagasy philosophy.

To learn how to live in society ; help each other, worry of each other, respect, friendship, governance, transparency, social responsibility, ethics (best practices)

Common welfare : happiness

Human Development, progress ; currencies : (dia ho sambatra tokoa ilay Madagasikaranay sy ny Malagasy) (National Anthem) :

"E sambatra tokoa izahay !"

This grid is inspired of the pyramid of the needs by A.MASLOW.

PRIMARY NEEDS (or biological) : Basically it is impossible to pass to the needs of advanced standing so much as those of lower level have not been met (step by step) : but everybody is not at the same level of progress : some people can achieve it earlier than others ; it is normal make sure that there is not too much distance (hand in hand) ; those who are ahead should be examples to the others to show them it is possible to arrive ; those who are ahead show the others the way to be followed, give them a helping hand if possible (mutual assistance : "Tantano haloky mandeha") those who are behind should not stagnate (mpanohariana) it is always necessary to go ahead ("Alaohery" : union is strength) (manao dian-tana, jerena ny aloha, todihana ny aorina" such the walk of the chameleon : look ahead white having a glance behind).

Madagascar has broad enough land and maritime areas to feed its inhabitants : A country bigger than France for 3 times fewer inhabitants : Equipment and tools have no common measure. But is it the only problem ? To get both equipment and tools is always possible but are there enough skilled people to use them ? It is still possible to call for experienced Bretons or Sétois fishermen or others with fishing boats and trawlers not to compete or evict the local Malagasy fishermen but help them update their equipment or equip them according to their wishes and needs.

According to the specialists, the Malagasy lands are of the same composition as those of France and not worse than those of Brazil : this last manages to exploit them and value them. It is necessary to search new techniques of exploitation, adapted to the Malagasy lands and that are within the reach of our agronomists ; they must be helped and encouraged in their researches and publications. Already made studies, totally forgotten because of a lack of means or because they did not fit in the leading policy must be restored. Trust in our agronomists and in our farmers : abundance (zina) and the agricultural development of Madagascar are in their hands ; they must lead the green revolution provided freedom and ambition.

To encourage the industrial cultures such as : coffee, vanilla, clove, sugar cane, banana, cotton. Regarding cotton Madagascar has the means of its independance in clothing (wearing…) but people are always victims of the fashion always more and more expensive, the fever of imported materials (predominantly from China) while Madagascar can make cheaper and better than china (following the example of India facing colonial power : survival with weaving). The Malagasy are cold while they shouldn't : cotton, raffia, all types of fibres to weave appreciated only by the tourists.

Health is a primary or priority need because unhealthy people can never be productive or independent. It is better "to prevent than to cure" : respect for elementary hygiene. To vaccinate, to use new antipaludals are priorities. To restore the use of curative plants and trust the advice of the experienced and not of the crooks, admit some practices and needs : health centers, Red-Cross spots, organisms "NG0" ; infantile and maternal protection (IMP), hospitals… To encourage the pharmaceutical laboratories in their research and the manufacture of cheap medicines adapted to the national needs ; to encourage the specialisation of doctors (grants, scholarships) and the training of general practitioners.


(insurance, security, education, savings, anticipation, stocks and supplies).

It is the beginning of the walk towards progress (the first steps) and human development, the ultimate objectives. Insecurity is the state enemy number one it is necessary to fight against (fougorana, maty an-koranana). It is the consequence of desire, jealousy, blatant inequality, some depraved "tradition". Insecurity prevents individual initiatives and economical progress : cultivation, cattle-breeding, craft, transportation or any attempt to a better life. Success opens the way to jealousy and not to ambition : it is an old-fashioned neutrality as a Malagasy sovereign of the 19th century used to say ("Ny soa fianatsa" said queen RASOHERINA) that is what everybody wants to remind but does not work for eventually, people are not aware of the efforts and sacrifices that success requires : work alone is the key of success. A Malagasy proverb says "work favours chance and it is the will to work that makes the difference" ("Ny zoto no arahan-jara ; ny sitra po no enti-manana")

In some villages and cities, success mustn't be advertised or either leads to serious trouble : robberies in organized gangs (tampim – baravarana et XXXX), in the countryside where there are no banks the small family savings can sometimes disappear in a few hours. Even some crops are torn off, just the day before the harvest, cattle – breeding knows the same fate.

In such conditions, how develop production and economy ?

In a country where more than 20.000 people compose the united armed forces (the army, the police, the priority should be the internal security, the security of the people and their property, the security of any individual and collective firm. The stealing of zebus that used to be a national sport in some regions and a test for the young intending to show their strength and their bravery (tribe "BARA") was diverted from its initial objective to become an economical plea. It is urgent to stop it all (Aok'izay)

The struggle against corruption is another emergency: match boxes "tsolatra", "risoriso", fake road controls and illegal administrative formalities : all these practices must be stopped.

A new era has come (rivo baovao/ ainga vaovao ; nuova fenitra)

The Malagasy have to learn how to thin of their future, their retirement. Thus it is necessary to learn how to freeze and stock food all year long up to the next harvest and avoid starvation. The Malagasy can not live day to day any more, they must quantify individual, family and collective needs. Why not think of a village co-operative? As for the small savings, why not encourage the installation of small savings banks using already existent networks, structures and multiplying them?

Initiate a widening or the creation of a small social security bank for all, to help in case of illness ; ill people can not work and a working force is needed urgently.

Basically (security, savings, stocks, insurance, corruption) depend on education: the lack of education is the source of any abuse (ady anin ! ny habadoana : struggle against illiteracy or lack of education) to read, to write and to calculate are basic know ledges along with the civics ; there are rights and duties regarding one's own country.

The Malagasy have to learn how to communicate and the means to do it (new technologies, information, communication ) to be a citizen opens to a political and economical education. Madagascar is an island thus it is necessary to learn foreign languages too.

The Malagasy are peaceful and welcoming by nature (if not depraved) tough but timid and a bit fearful (sarotahotra, kanosa) more by respect than by weakness. Any young Malagasy must learn to overcome his shyness ; why not initiate martial arts and sports of self-defence in schools (tolona, ringa, struggle and ju-ju-tsu or other martial arts in dojos : judo, karate, laïkido…) not to teach how to fight but how to struggle and win, for one's own belongings or for the collective property.

Communication and self-protection will allow every Malagasy to state his rights with respect, to face up any attack (any dictatorship) and to fullfill his duties towards the society.

Moreover an uncommitted justice will assure all Malagasy the respect for their rights and remind them of their duties in relation to the others and to the society.

The armed Forces, while restoring internal security as soon as possible will assure the National security in all strategical and neuralgic spots : harbours, maritime and exclusive economical zones, a total of about 1.500.000 km2 . Besides the economy and the policy of the country must be reinforced.

The first role of the Army is the national defence, the internal and external security, the defence of the constitution and of the institutions of the Republic. Indeed the army serves the executive : thus it has to be neutral, only to serve the whole nation and public interest

Madagascar benefits from an exceptional natural environment, so far unpolluted. Its fauna and its flora are incomparable ; biodiversity is very rich. This environment is a big deal for Madagascar : pure air, unpolluted water, protected sites… Existent initiatives have to be encouraged and widened (WWF, ANGAP) Madagascar and the Malagasy can assure their present welfare white caring about the future generations, taking care of their natural environment.

Why not think about the installation of a green brigade for the maintenance of the sites ?

Considering the primary and secondary needs, it is a whole mentality which must change, evolve. Every Malagasy has to be aware of the necessity to change mentality ("miova fenitra ; miova fihetsika"). This mentality was inherited from tradition, from good or bad habits. The Malagasy must be able to keep what is good and nice ("ny soa fianatsa, fitazona") but change and evolve as well. ("mahay mivoatra" "ny tarehy ratsy tsy azo fa, sy farahy rutsy azo ovana" "ugliness can not be treated (unless plastic surgery) but bad habits can be".


(Enterprise – investment – culture – leisure's)

Enterprise, trade, craft, big firms and very big firms, production of goods and of services, trade of goods and of services fair trade, financial services: all in a broad unit. The priority of any firm is to make benefits; its objective is to meet the needs of the national demand before turning to exportation .The importation of raw materials small and big equipment, tolls is necessary. The results of exportation should allow first and fore most to balance the needs in importation and thus to get a balance of trade and of payments, a condition to independence

and economical development. Debts have to be reduced. The advent of a financial autonomy appears as important as that of an internal and external security. It is the duty of every economical operator to contribute to the prosperity of the country; all volunteers will benefit from encouragement and help from the administration.

(allowances – temporary exoneration of taxes)

The creation of any firm requires investments : any creation of firm will be sustained by the administration. The banks will have to make files and loans easier for them according to the priority of the sector ; any creation of firm and loan can be guaranteed by the state respecting equality and competition. A special and adequate center for investments and loans has to be created to help the entrepreneurs.

The Malagasy subsoil is packed with treasures and it is necessary to explore it efficiently : oil, ores, precious stones today's exploitation lacks coordination, monitoring and especially intelligence : considering the abundance of these treasures the future is forgotten, so is the country. Selfishness is at stake. This state of mind was more or less initiated by a previous power (between 1975-2001) which could so use these treasures abundantly leaving only bits to the people. The means displayed by the government of the time were huge in comparison to those used but the people. So began wood and stones trafficking "risoriso". Some leaders used to deal directly with foreign companies as for oil and ores ; the people were blinded because their leaders could deal with the foreign "wolves" (dog-eat-dog used to repeat an ancient leader to all international authorities) he seemed to forget that he was the "first wolf" as the people trusted him. With a lot of remorse, these repentant leaders want to come back to straighten the country. Do they think the Malagasy are still naïve, credulous? I don't thin so, no more than in ANDRY RAJOELINA (TGV) who came into power with a slaughterous fraction of the army (CAPSAT) right behind ("salama, salama é, kobay an kelika).

The management of natural resources will respect the development. To assure the ease of the present generations along with that of the generations to come. Neither wastes nor pollution but renewable energy sources (solar-wind-geothermal) to leave a green, clean space, rich in biodiversity to the future generations.

The small Malagasy peasant can see progress and development ahead : by participating in fair trade, he will sell his products ; with the benefits he will extend and develop his business or equipment. Bureaus for development can be crated in every region if they do not exist so far. Do not forget that a new era is coming.

The installation of foreign investors must be made easier in the conditions of the existent "free zones " ; they can repatriate their benefits but reinvestment is deeply encouraged to maintain or even to create jobs. The nations businessmen must be encouraged as well as the foreigners to reinvest part of their benefits for the prosperity of the country and a step towards progress "Roso toy tsa mipody koa).

Thus every Malagasy will slowly get culture and leisure at the some time. As for culture: besides schools and already existent establishments of education, city libraries will be created along with learning resources centers. The use of the Internet can be widened with free access if possible. Leisures have not to be the lot of some well off people ; every child has the right to holiday camps or to children's outdoor activity centres, organised by municipalities or

administrations or by work councils for the children of the workers as part of a budget calculated on a percentage of the wage bill. It is already a form of opening to progress and development and the first training to life in society.

QUARTERNARY NEEDS (live together = A better social life)

To develop each point of the Malagasy philosophy : fifanompiana, fifanomezana, fifanajana, fihavanana)

These correspond exactly to the four pillars of the Malagasy philosophy, does it mean that the Malagasy can forget the levels of lower needs?

The common Malagasy mind is to have everything and get everything right away : it is "ady gasy" It is true that the 3 levels of lower needs can be supplanted by the 4 pillars of the Malagasy philosophy :mutual donation, mutual respect, help and friendship. The primary, biological needs can be covered if mutual donation and mutual assistance are respected. The same is true for the secondary needs, if the two previous pillars are also assured; and there is no need to care about security, insurance, the future or the environment if mutual respect and solidarity do exist.

The tertiary needs are more difficult to meet because the Malagasy are neither entrepreneurs nor investors. They can aspire to culture and leisures but the means and the structures are missing. The biggest challenge for all those who aim at being head of State in Madagascar is to satisfy the tertiary needs: to invest, update, open to the world initiating culture and new means of communication, give to all the access to leisures and retirement.

Friendship is the fourth pillar (fihavanana) In Malagasy, friendship means "friendship between all" not only in the neighbourhood but in the whole nation it is FRIENDSHIP ( in capital letters) everybody is related with each other avoiding distrust, discrimination, desire or jealousy. Friendship is the basis of the 3 other pillars: mutual donation, mutual respect and help. These 4 pillars are supposed to be anchored in the heart and mind of any Malagasy but actually they are not. What happened? The Malagasy have still got 4 landmarks but the achievement of the 3 first stages has often failed ; did the leaders want to go too fast under the pressure of public opinion or rather of an old-fashioned mentality ?

However clear the objective seemed to be each republic met failure. The first republic made the biological needs its priority "the belly policy" the second republic aimed at security and education (the secondary needs) finally the third republic initiated by a businessman and administrator turned to enterprise, investment, modernisation…

The first republic completely failed because at that time and still today the Malagasy live in rationing. The cultivated lands are as poor as before and surveys about some cultivable lands have aborted to allow a few leaders to have their own concessions on the fertile lands (hatifucdias) for their only benefit and their pride

The second republic succeeded in democratising education initiating different levels of education : the poor children were taught in Malagasy the wealthier partially in French and the political leaders sent their children to the French schools or to France and more and more tot the socialist countries (Russia, Cuba, Romania, Algeria) thanks to grants sold in auction and thus discriminating the poor even if they were more competent. That is an intellectual

genocide and that is why today Madagascar lacks men and women of talent. Those who tried to succeed outside the scheme were moved aside, as potential enemies to the power (according to the judgement of the DGID = political police) . Such a regime was supposed to think of Madagascar and the Malagasy, of their future and their development ; it was supposed to straighten the country ; on the contrary it strangled them all accusing the international situation.

The second republic succeeded in ensuring the security of the leaders, leaving no chance to the others to achieve anything. To them the security of jobs, the security to perpetrate all acts of violence and stealing (exploitation of the treasures of the subsoil and all types of trafficking known as "risoriso", occult practices…)

The Army, the political police (DGID) always ready to lead investigations on the verge of torture did agree with them. If the leaders of the first republic had large agricultural concessions those of the second were at the head of big national firms serving their own pride, but did these firms belong to the Nation or to the leaders alone ?

The third republic succeeded in laying the foundations of Enterprise with a Head of State, obviously a businessman and administrator. It is a pity that he quickly fell in megalomania and monopoly which finally led to his own fall. "or money brings to power and power brings the money " (Bertrand de Jouvenel : "the power"). But such a man, supposed honest and full of moral sense did not need it. To lay a hand on all that works only corresponds to egoism and is completely opposite to competition. That president ended up discouraging any individual initiative. To lay a hand on everything so as to have alone the monopoly ;this illness is called megalomania ; that is perhaps why the young doctor Andry RAJUELINA (TGV) manages the president's slimming course so that he may clear all that he gulped down. But the treatment must be under control or else it kills the patient; it is necessary to act with moderation and not yield in the exaggeration of his precursors ("Aza mandrora miatsilany")

Is the fourth republic to come an imperative and necessary return to the four pillars of the Malagasy philosophy? We said that every Malagasy has this philosophy in mind but the failure to observe the achievement of the different stages of needs settled by every Republic has diverted the people of this philosophy /

How help each other when egoism is advocated ?

How make mutual donation when some "harvest the crops they did not seed"?

How respect each other when one suspects his neighbour?

How live in friendship if the national unity and the sense of common interest are lost?

The example must be the head of state himself: he must think of the people, of the country in whatever he makes, in his ideology, in his priorities. He must initiate and guarantee the national unity. His first worry must be the welfare of the people by all means. This is the only condition for a better life together with friendship (Fihavanana " Malagasy family") But "Fihavanana" assumes mutual respect : respect each other in his differences, his morals (fomba), his manners, his rituals and his taboos (fady) present in each region ("Ny ahiahy tsy hiavanana") distrust is the first enemy to friendship

The Leader is not fundamentally bad but he is often badly surrounded. He must therefore watch to have competent people around; people he will be responsible for and who will regularly report; people with the sense of governance , of transparency, of social responsibility and ethics : good practices – best practices.


The ease of each and of all or even happiness. This fith level of needs is not an utopia ; it appears in both Malagasy anthems offered at the time of Independence

The Malagasy remember it each time they sing the National anthem. Regarding this last, two versions were offered at first ; one was removed for its strong religious connotation (that is found in the collection of the Protestant and henceforth ecumenical canticles) but both versions have a common point : the happiness of Madagascar and of the Malagasy ("Dia ho sambatra tokoa ilay Madagasikaranay" or "E sembatra tokoa izahay Malagasy"

At the time of Independence the Malagasy aspired to happiness on a peaceful and happy island; this is the prayer they address "zanahary" (the creator) in their national anthem. But today the Malagasy are far from this happiness, from this ease: lack of food, insecurity in their houses and their neighbourhood, lack of jobs; they never know about the day to come. They can not rely on their neighbours, they do not have enough money to pay for their children's education.

The future of the Malagasy is dark : even the world is indifferent to them (endless negotiations…)

What happiness can the Malagasy expect ?

It is the ultimate objective and the supreme challenge anyone aspiring to the Presidency of Madagascar must face ; the one who dares can get ahead ; the task will be hard and the time always too short. The one who has nothing to lose and who is afraid of nothing can get ahead provided Madagascar is the only winner; a lot of renunciation, disinterestedness and sacrifices are needed but who risks nothing earns nothing, for the country alone " ("Izay mahasahy maty mifono lamba led" at the risk of his life)

My friends, I am the one, I get involved if it is the price to pay for the happiness of Madagascar and of its people so that from now on they can give a meaning to what they keep singing and longing for for 50 years. May Madagascar be a peaceful and happy island and the Malagasy live forever in happiness on the land of their ancestors, the same land they will give to the generations to come : so that they can always proclaim "VELONA IRAY TRANO, MATY IRAY FASANA") (We will always live united in a big home and rest together in the same grave)


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